There's no place on earth quite like this handful of sun-drenched, mid-Pacific islands. The Hawaii of South Seas literature and Hollywood films really does exist. Here you'll find palm-fringed blue lagoons, lush rainforests, hidden gardens, cascading waterfalls, wild rivers running through rugged canyons, and soaring volcanoes. And oh, those beaches -- gold, red, black, and even green sands caressed by an endless surf. The possibilities for adventure -- and relaxation -- are endless. Each of the six main islands is separate, distinct, and infinitely complex. There's far too much to see and do on any 2-week vacation, which is why so many people return to the Aloha State year after year.
Ports & Cities...

Hula down to Hilo, which has been dubbed 'Hawaii's forgotten city' on the coast of the Big Island, for a dose of old-time Hawaii.

Honolulu, Oahu
The youngest and largest of the Hawaiian Islands, the island of Hawaii is one of the few places on earth where visitors can go from snowboarding to snorkelling in a single day!

Nawiliwili, Kauai
The main attraction on the Hawaiian island of Kauai is its natural beauty and unassuming lifestyle of the people.

Lahaina, Maui
From the top of its dormant Haleakala volcano crater to its lush rain forests, pristine beaches and rainbows of tropical fish, the Hawaiian island of Maui offers a magical dream-vacation in the Pacific Ocean. |